
22 February 2017 10:13:39 AM

A replica of the Carta Hydrographica y Chorographica de las Yslas Filipinas Manila 1734, otherwise known as the Murillo-Velarde Map, was turned over to the House of Representatives by Mel V. Velarde, Chairman of the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC). According to Velarde, Speaker Pantaleon D. Alvarez was chosen as the first official recipient of the historical scientific map because he heads the institution where around 300 congressional district representatives are gathered. In return, the Speaker promised to proudly display the piece in the House premises and to encourage his colleagues to support efforts that will instill intense love of country, especially among schoolchildren. Similar replicas will be donated to other government offices, including the Senate, Supreme Court and Executive Departments. The artifact was acquired in November 2014 through an auction conducted by Sotheby’s Auction House in the United Kingdom. “This historic map is part of every Filipino’s birthright”, Velarde said.


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